Power Generation


AGC sells under her brand name GENLINE ® a wide variety of diesel powered generators with engines made by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Japan) or MTU (Germany) as well as  Cummins, produced under license of Cummins Incorporated in China.
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GENLINE´s philosophy

Our philosophy is simple. Create added value by assuring continuous power supply. The way we achieve this is to offer fully integrated power solutions that may very from a stand alone single power generators to complex power plants  were multiple power generators run parallel and output can be scaled up to 50MW with voltage levels up to 22kV  by either using step-up transformers or high voltage alternators.

Our generators are first class and highly economic priced, are made in accordance with the latest requirements and do comply with all international standards including but not limited to ISO,IEC and DIN.

Giving the range of  our generators we are able to provide situation for major mining projects up to large residential cases and everything in between.

genline powergenerator

GENLINE 1 MW Mitsubishi powered diesel generator 1500rpm